About Us
About The Chamber
For many years, The Andover Chamber of Commerce laid dormant. This past summer, a group of local business owners and community members came together with the same goal, to revive the Chamber.
Our goal is to engage with business owners & community members to support economic growth and create opportunity in Andover.
Monthly meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. Meetings are hosted at different venues or businesses within the community. Meeting location will be sent out via email to Chamber members as well as posted on our Chamber Facebook page.
Monthly agendas will work to organize community events and strategize how to promote commerce within Andover.
Joining the Chamber will allow you to engage with the business community and have first hand input on community events & fundraising. With a business membership, we are here to help increase your visibility in the community and bring credibility to your business. You will also be featured on our website!
If you or your business are interested in joining the Andover Chamber of Commerce, please complete an application now!