Andover Chamber of Commerce
Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors:
Erica Clark President
Monica Dean Vice President
Maria McCormick Treasurer
Emily McGinnis Secretary
Present: Erica Clark, Ryan Clark, Maria McCormick, Emily McGinnis, Heather Perkins, Cindy Vance, Nick Davis, Derek Schuelein
Absent: Monica Dean, Mel Thorp, Dave Thorp, Bob Meyers, Tina Joyce, Theresa Joyce, Katie Wallace, Steve Walker
Guest(s): Jeanie Walker Todd, Myranda Garfield
- Call to Order & Roll Call
Meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm by president Erica Clark.
- Approval of December 21st 2021 Meeting Minutes
We read a recap of last month’s meeting minutes and approved upon MOTION [E. Clark], SECOND [M McCormick].
- Officer’s Reports
* President, Erica Clark
Spoke about the new Post Office Box & the Christmas Cookie Contest. She also let us know that Mel was able to purchase a new flag for main street park that was approved last meeting.
*Vice President, Monica Dean
*Treasurer, Maria McCormick
We have a total of $3101.19 in the chamber account including a recent member-Photos by Amber. We also received one more application tonight, Katie Wallace-The Shop At Main. Maria let us know that the visa debit card came in and she will hold this. Extra PO box key will be held by Erica. Cindy asked Maria about membership receipts. Maria has a generic letter she has been giving out but is working on a more official document. Many members spoke about ideas or templets for receipts. Erica set a goal to create this receipt by 2/1/22.
* Secretary, Emily McGinnis
Emily spoke about printer prices. One in particular from staples and home depot have been out of stock. Emily will continue to shop around for the best price.
Emily will print applications and put them at the post office.
- Unfinished Business
- Business After Hours
Erica spoke about planning a business afterhours. Members asked for an explanation of what a “Business After Hours” entailed. Erica explained that a business afterhours is where a certain business would hold a small event and invite people who can network together and share information about their business. It’s a great way for businesses to do a “meet and greet” and explain they have to offer while having snacks and drinks. It was mentioned there could be door prizes. Nick is going to head this event. He will contact Kent’s Brewery to see if they are interested and is planning this event for Thursday 2/17/22 from 5:00pm-7:00pm.
Nick is also going to look into pricing a radio ad as well as reach out to John Anderson to write an article about the chamber revival.
New Business
a) Aaron is working on the website. He wants testimonials from chamber members stating what they have liked seeing so far with the Chamber or comments in general about starting up again. He needs member business logos to start finishing things up. Emily will email him these.
The logo has been worked on for quite some time now. It has been a team effort between Erica, Emily, Nick and now we have Sydney Gallow helping. She is working on a final product and we will present choices at the next meeting and vote.
Emily is to type up a thank you letter to Sydney and to the School for the tree stands from December.
Members discussed planning fundraisers/events for this year. Nick mentioned microgrants to give to Andover or business projects.
b) The Andover Sports boosters did a “wine walk” in the past. Heather Perkins confirmed that they are not planning on doing it again and that we could take that event over. Members liked the idea of having the Wine Walk. Much discussion was passed around about obtaining a daily liquor license and having this as a spring event.
c) Heather spoke about doing a drive through with food vendors like the fire department auxiliary did. Heather stated that they are willing to give that event to the Chamber. Members discussed charging a vendor fee. We talked about actually having an outside event vs. a drive through. Jeannie mentioned waiting for the health department CDC guidelines at that time. Further discussion is needed on location but if need be we would ask the village to block roads ect. We thought about doing this event the end of April or beginning of May. Possibly using the school parking lot. We spoke about not using the fields. Members asked questions and discussed locations. Questions about the vendor fee and cost. Derek is going to to look into the rules on school property. We would like to have a subcommittee to plan this.
d) Cindy spoke about the chamber donating mums for main street. She estimated these would cost around $150. Erica spoke about a business or person to sponsor flowers for the planters on main street. We are going to speak with Mel more about the planters. Jeannie stated that the village has 18 pots. Much discussion regarding Kristy Lynch and planters she currently does. We will keep working on more information.
- Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled Tuesday, February 15th 2021; 6:00pm and will take place at the Parish House.
- Adjournment
Upon MOTION [E. Clark], SECOND [E. McGinnis] this meeting was adjourned at 6:43pm.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Emily McGinnis, Board Secretary